Sun and the melting pot of cultures across civilisations of the world
Science has given us a detailed understanding of the heliocentric theory, of the sun being the
center of all existence but this production is an interesting story of how one of the
civilizations, the Aztecs, perceived the birth of the final sun and the joy and revelry that
followed that moment of epiphany. A story of how all the civilizations celebrated and held the
sun in high regard as the sustainer of all life forms. The amalgam of these cultures, their discoveries, innovations and traditions is the world we live in today.
Conceptualization and Direction - Keerthi Kumar
Production Design and Choreography - Surya N Rao
Concept note and Voice over - Roopa K
“Stage, lighting, sound and dance was
excellent.. most importantly the children enjoyed it!”
– Member of the Management, Navkis
Educational Centre