Lighting and Multimedia Design
Indian dance is a theatre of Imagination, Lighting helps create multiple realities in a single space. It transforms the space, the artistes and the storytelling by adding drama, perspective and heightened curiosity.
This workshop takes the participants on an illuminating path of lights, their role, usage, design and execution.
The need for lighting design
Understanding the types of lights
Building a lighting plan
Rigging, programming and execution
Level : I – Basics | II – Intermediate | III – Advanced
Duration of the Module : 2 sessions of 60 mins each
Workshops/Talks : Nruthya Rangoli National Dance Festival, Faculty for Lighting & Multimedia Design at Natya Institute of Kathak & Choreography

Embracing the Digital Space
This workshop introduces participants to platforms, processes and means to enhance their artistic interactions online.
Enables participants to conduct virtual classrooms
Conduct and present online performances
Conduct online seminars, conferences with ease
Learning about the different available platforms
Use of advanced and household equipment to enhance the online experience for their viewers
Level : I – Beginner | II – Intermediate
Duration of the Module : 90 mins
Workshops conducted : India Foundation for the Arts (IFA), National Centre for Performing Arts (NCPA), Naadroop (Pune), Aalaap

Video Creation and Multi media editing
Encapsulating the setup, software, light and sound for self-made videos in the performing arts domain forms the basis of this workshop.
It endeavours to help artistes create their own videos, work on post-production and effectively communicate their idea to viewers. This is inclusive of assignments for the participants and reviews by the Facilitator
Level : I – Basics | II – Intermediate | III – Advanced
Duration of Module : 3 sessions of 60 min each
Workshops conducted : Hamsanada

Rhythm Structures for Indian Dance
The workshop focuses on understanding the basics of Rhythm in the Hindustani and Carnatic music traditions as applicable to dance.
Reciting, interpreting and analysing rhythm structures
Constructing character rhythms for dance dramas
Structuring the rhythmic progressions in both repertoire pieces and productions
Kathak – Basic | Intermediate Bharatanatyam – Basic | Intermediate Dance Drama – Basic | Intermediate
Work profile : Faculty for Rhythm Structures at NIKC, Padanth recitals for various Kathak artistes, Nattuvangam for various Bharatanatyam and Kuchipudi artistes.